ClevaMamma Cushion Corner Guards Review.

Firstly thank you for allowing me to review the Cushion Corner Guards. What a fantastic product!
They are so easy to install that even me - who is the least DIY person around - could put them on.
My baby girl kept bumping her head on the corners of my wall unit when she was learning to crawl so these couldn't have come at a better time. I stuck them on and voila! No more tears!!
Not only are they great for keeping my little ones head safe but they also proved to be great teethers for her while they were stuck on! If she wasn't trying to pull them off - but being such a great product, they stayed put - she was using them to munch on to keep her teething blues away.
I would recommend this product to anyone who has a baby that is exploring their surroundings.
I’d rate it 5/5 for ease of installing and 5/5 for protecting my little one’s head!
Thank you again for letting me review the product, I absolutely love ClevaMamma’s products.