Your babies habits month to month.
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Your babies habits month to month.

your babies habits month to month

Keep track of your babies habits with this easy to follow guide.


Feeding Habits - Feeds every 2 to 3 hours.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps most of the day. Wakes up every 2 to 3 hours

Playtime - Enjoys mirrors, sounds and colours.

Communication - Communicates through grunts, hiccups, cries and sneezes.

Vision - Vision at its best from between 8 and 12 inches away.



Feeding Habits - Breastfeeds/bottle every 2 to 3 hours

Sleeping Pattern - 15 to 16 hours/day

Playtime - They are into faces, not toys.

Hearing - Fully developed.

Communication - Responds to familiar sounds.

Motor Skills - Keeps hands tight in fists.



Feeding Habits - Breastfeeds/bottle every 2 to 3 hours.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps less during the day, more at night.

Playtime - Becomes more of a social butterfly. Responds with gurgles and coos to chatty admirers.

Vision - Tracks moving objects with eyes.

Motor Skills - Learns to thumb/fist-suck. Begins to lift head.



Feeding Habits - Breastfeeds/bottle every 3 to 4 hours.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps about 15 hours/day. Sleeps straight for 5 to 6 hours at night.

Playtime - On the floor or under a baby gym. Loves to kick up and swing at things.

Vision - Makes eye contact. Recognizes familiar faces.

Motor Skills - Mimics sounds, expressions and movements.



Feeding Habits - Bottle/breastfeeds every 3 to 5 hrs.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps about 15 hrs/day. Naps 2 to 3 times a day.

Playtime - Loves to reach for toys. Adores peekaboo & funny faces.

Motor Skills - Rolls from stomach to back. Can push up.

Health - Begins teething (be prepared for a grumpy baby).



Feeding Habits - Breastfeeds/bottle every 3 to 5 hours. Nourishment may start to include solids.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps for about 15 hours/day (6 to 8 hours at night). Takes 2 or 3 naps a day.

Playtime - Patty-cake time! Still enjoys peekaboo.

Motor Skills - Learns how to reach with both hands and grasp things with all fingers.



Feeding Habits - Breastfeeds/bottle every 3 to 6 hours. May be introduced slowly to mush solid food

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 15 hours/day. Takes 2 to 3 naps/day. Nighttime getting longer.

Playtime - Responds well to soft balls, textured toys, & musical instruments.

Motor Skills - Rolls in both directions. Learns to sit up.



Feeding Habit - Breastfeeds every 3 to 4 hrs or bottle feeds every 4 to 6 hrs. Eats a spoon or 2 of solids/day.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 15 hrs/day. Takes 6 to 11 hrs of nighttime stretch.

Playtime - Picture books

Vision - Sees full colour.

Motor Skills - Can support own weight with his/her legs (with help from adults.

Communication - Babbles & imitates.



Feeding Habit - Needs 750 to 900 calories/day of breast milk or formula. Likes soft table or finger foods

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 15 hours/day. Takes 2 naps/day.

Playtime - Any & all safe toys or household objects will do for playtime.

Motor Skills - Learns to sit up. Begins to learn over. Gearing up for crawling, or already is.



Feeding Habit - Needs 24 to 32 ounces of breast or formula milk/day. Eats solids 3 to 5 times/day.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 15 hours/day. Takes 2 naps/day.

Playtime - Cushioned obstacle course to climb, scoot and cruise over and around is great to help him/her experiment with movement.

Motor Skills - Has learned object permanence.



Feeding Habit - Needs breast/formula milk 4 to 5 times/day. Needs 3 meals and 2 snacks/day.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 13 hours/day. Takes 2 naps/day.

Playtime - Patty cake works more than ever.

Communication - Understands simple instruction.

Motor Skills - Remembers favorite toys.



Feeding Habit - Needs breast or formula milk 3 to 5 times/day. Needs 3 solid meals plus 1 to 3 snacks/day.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 13 hours/day. Takes 2 naps/day.

Playtime - Peekaboo still works wonders.

Motor Skills - Knows how to stand, cruise, and scoot. Recognizes objects.



Feeding Habit - Needs 3 solid meals & 1 to 3 snacks/day.

Sleeping Pattern - Sleeps 13 hours/day. Takes 2 naps/day.

Playtime - It's story telling time!

Communication - Able to speak a few words like mama & understand simple command.

Motor Skills - Can probably self-feed by now. Stand without support, at least for a few seconds. Walks 2 or 3 steps without support.


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